Five and More Ways to Save Money With Rainwater


Rainwater is a source of water that comes free of charge—it just falls from the sky after all. As such, it follows that the collection, screening, filtering, storage, and ultimately, the use of collected rainwater for a number of tasks that require water should help your household save money on monthly water bills. What tasks can rainwater be used for? Read on to know more.

Gardening and Watering the Lawn

Plants and trees in the wild don’t grow because of human intervention, but because of regular rainfall and the flow of other water sources to their root networks. As such, it follows that collected rainwater can be used to grow the plants and trees in your garden. When you regularly use collected rainwater in gardening and watering the lawn, you can expect certain savings each month, one that depends on the size of your garden.

Toilet Flushing

This is one task at home that requires a significant amount of water—toilets consume 27 per cent of water in the home. Use rainwater instead of mains water and you can expect that much in your monthly, quarterly, or yearly savings.

Washing Tools, Equipment, and Vehicles

The use of rainwater in washing tools, equipment, and vehicles is a third way to use rainwater to save money in your household. Some great candidates for washing with rainwater are cars, tractors, lawnmowers, and most garden tools.

Bathing and Shower

Since bathing and taking a shower are more or less done on a regular basis, it follows that these tasks consume a lot of water, and therefore, contribute to your high water bills each month. By connecting your rainwater harvesting and plumbing systems together, you are relying on a free source of water for these tasks, and this significantly reduces your water bill—to the tune of about 40 per cent—each month.

But before you connect both systems together, make sure to set up all the right screening, filtration, and disinfection systems to the rainwater harvesting system. This ensures the suitability of rainwater for these two tasks.

Doing the Laundry

Like the above, this task needs to be done on a regular basis, and therefore is a major reason for high water bills each month. Like the above case, connecting the harvesting and plumbing systems together can help in reducing your monthly water bills significantly, provided that the rainwater harvesting system already has the right number of screens, filters, and disinfecting systems.

Drinking, Cooking, and Dish Washing

A lot of screening, filtering, and disinfecting are needed for rainwater to become suitable for drinking, cooking, and dish washing. But once these purifying systems have been set up, and the rainwater harvesting system properly connected with the house’s plumbing system right after, the resulting combination will also allow you to save water.

The use of rainwater is one of the best ways to save money on your monthly water bills. To ensure that you truly get the most savings on water, however, make sure that you have a complete rainwater harvesting system set up. A complete system typically has an unpainted metal roof, a gutter, a downpipe, a rainwater tank of the right capacity for the household, a water purification system, a pump, and the pipes that connect both rainwater harvesting and plumbing systems together.