Your Home Needs a Rainwater Tank. Here’s Why.


If you’ve been out of the loop for some reason or another, the bad news is that climate change is definitely here. All the signs out there seem to point to its occurrence in recent years, and there seem to be no signs that periods of extreme heat, extreme cold, and extreme rain will go away anytime soon.

What does this mean for humanity? Adjusting to these irregularities is now necessary, if it hasn’t been necessary for a very long time now. One of the ways we can adjust as a species is the installation and use of rainwater harvesting systems in our homes and workplaces to ensure that there’s water to use throughout the dry season.

To be specific, the type of rainwater harvesting system that’s recommended these days is one that’s not just composed of a roof, downpipe, and barrel. A system composed only of these parts is no longer enough due to the presence of all sorts of impurities in the atmosphere such as vehicle emissions as well as the different contaminants that could get onto our roofs such as animal droppings, leaves, twigs, dust, and even sand.

What’s needed, instead, is a rainwater harvesting system composed of catchment area or roof, a durable gutter, a durable downpipe, a container (plus all the needed filters, screens, and disinfectants), a pump, and all other essentials to connect the rainwater harvesting system and the plumbing of the house.

There exist a vast number of water storage options available in the market.

The first is the humble blue plastic barrel. With a capacity of 208 litres, this container is a decent option for storing rainwater intended for use in just one task or chore that needs water. More barrels are needed to collect more water. The more barrels you have in your home, the more space is needed. The more space consumed in your property, the lesser space left for more enjoyable and worthwhile activities with your family.

The second, and much better option, is the rainwater tank, and the benefits of having one in your home go beyond the fact that it is capable of storing more water—we offer tanks that go all the way to six-digit-figure capacities. Rainwater tanks are available in different shapes. Some tanks we offer are cylindrical, while others are almost cube-shaped.  There are different types of water tanks out in the local market with various suitable materials it is merely made of like concrete, stainless steel, fiber glass, steel water tanks and many more.

Water tanks, therefore, can be set up in different ways. For most cylinder-shaped tank models, they can be set up under the gutter and downpipe. Same with the slim variants. There are tanks that can be set up on platforms, and others that can be set up under the deck or basement. Still, there are other tanks that are best set up underground.

That said, it follows that while larger than the barrel, the tank lets you enjoy the vacant space in your home. This is because you won’t need any more containers once you have acquired and set up one in your place. Truly, when it comes to rainwater storage, no option is better than the rainwater storage tank.

It’s unfortunate that nowadays, building a rainwater harvesting system that works requires more resources on your end. Fortunately, with a system that has the right components properly set up in your home, are return of investment becomes a certainty.